Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Social Experiment

Sense I have been pursuing social justice as an expression of my faith I have ascribed to some of Shane Claiborne's ideas. Particularly the concept of setting up faith communities in the desolate areas of the world and proclaiming Gods Kingdom. This model worked well for me in my last neighborhood, but I'm running into a few hurtles in my new neighborhood.

I've been to a few community meeting, observing mostly, looking for ways I can engage my neighborhood. I'm realizing that things are pretty well established here. There are plenty of programs and non-profits in the neighborhood. On one hand this is great, on the other hand my new neighborhood is clearly not a desolate area. I need a new model.

As a "doer" type of personality, the old model worked great for me. You can do pretty much anything you want and have a good chance of making a positive impact. I believe that this new model will have to rely more on relationships/socializing. Admittedly, this is not one of my strengths.

Photo Credit: The Waving Cat (Click)

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