Sunday, January 27, 2008

Greening my food

For some time now I have been thinking more about what I eat. Not only how can I eat healthier, and loose a couple of pounds in the process, but how can I have more of an environmental impact with the food choices that I make. To do this I have decided to try to grow some vegetables in my apartment.

I will be the first to admit that I do not have a green thumb. Here is a picture of the only plant in my apartment and the remains of some other plants.

It is a species of Elephant Ear plant. The only reason that it's still alive is because it can live on very little water. Usually I notice that it as almost dead and then give it a good drink and forget about it until it's brown again.

So I ventured out to Home Depot and bought some supply's. For $25.00 I got a tray, some soil, and some seeds, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and baby carrots.

I also bought a little device that grows bean sprouts. I'm not a big fan of bean sprouts but it looked idiot proof.

It takes almost two weeks to see if any of the plants are going to grow, and about 45 days until I could be eating my first salad. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

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