Saturday, June 23, 2007

Money Matters Revisited

So I realize that I am actually quite lazy. It was over two months ago that I posted about my broken change jar. here & here. Well I finally got the change counted. I broke down and went to a coin star machine. I was reluctant to use it because they take a fee. I thought that I could get it counted for free. Maybe I'm just lazy and cheap?

So here is the final run down.
1c #5500 totaling $55.00
5c #1615 totaling $81.00
10c #2839 totaling $284.26
25c #1360 totaling $340.00

Grand Total: $760.26 and it only took me 9 years of saving!!!!

So this begs the question, what do you do with $760.26. In using the coin star machine they give you several options. You can get gift cards at all the usual places you would expect,, iTunes, Starbucks, and others. You can also donate money to several non-profits, as well as get cold hard cash in hand. Using the give card and charitable donation you can eliminate the fee. I ended up cashing out and putting some into my savings account. Some I redeemed into gift cards and I the remainder I donated to a hunger relief organisation.

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