Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent 2012

Growing up I didn't know what Lent was. It wasn't until I moved to Boston, a heavily catholic city, that I first encountered it. One seemingly random day a guy from the accounting department walked by my desk with a black smug on his forehead. In my concerned for him let him know that he might want to take care of that. Then he explained to me what Ash Wednesday was.

Sense then I have always been intrigued with Lent. I actually look forward to it each year. It gives me the chance to be disciplined and actually do something. To practice dependence on God in little ways in hopes that it will permeate the bigger things in my live.  This year I am doing three things for Lent; fasting from TV, eating better, and of course blogging.

Even before Lent started I was facing temptation. When I told my wife I was giving up TV she said that would cause a problem. Who would she have to watch The Bachelor with on Monday nights? Yes, I hate to admit it in a public forum, but we do watch The Bachelor. Mostly to comment on how silly the girls act. It's the little things that can make a marriage solid. I thought about using the get behind me Satan bit, but I know that wouldn't go over well. So I guess I will have to watch the final three episodes with her, but after that no tv!

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