Friday, August 14, 2009

Politics as usual......

If you have been following the news lately you have been hearing about the health care debate. Recently it had devolved into more of a shouting match.
There was a opportunity to have a meaningful conversation about death and end of life care in America., but it has gotten away from us.

Included in the health care bill in Congress was a provision to provide counseling on end of life care. In typical political fashion, the Republicans latched on to this and stared referring to it as a death panel. And in typical Democratic fashion, they let them get away with it.

Now this provision has been removed from the bill. (Click) Who wins in this kind of debate? The Republicans claim victory over the Democrats. Citizens don't get the health care they need. One more meaningful national conversation is avoided.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps U.N. Convention on Rights of child in U.N. Charter has answers.