Monday, October 6, 2008

Movie Review - Religulous

The other day I saw Bill Mahr's new movie "Religulous" with my good friends the Holts.
As you might guess the movie brought about great conversation afterwords. I guess the best thing to do is to just jump right in.

First off; as my friend Steve pointed out, this movie is not a "documentary". In fact Mahr for the most part only interviews the stereotypical religious people that he has based his comedic career on. My disappointment with this stylistic choice of interviewing is that everyone was made out to be a fool, except Bill Mahr.

With all that said, I really liked this movie. Mahr's main thesis is that we all need a little more doubt in faith. Blindly accepting the things that we have been told about God actually doesn't give us healthy faith. Instead it can lead us down a destructive path.

It's not that Mahr is anti-faith or has no faith himself. At one point in the move he briefly talks about how he bartered with God in a tough period in his life. Also, through out the film he seams to communicate that he has an appreciation for Jesus teaching, but hates Christianity.

If I could point out one resource to follow up on this movie, I would recommend the book, "Jim and Casper go to Church". This book has some of what Mahr is talking. Jim, the pastor, is willing to take a critical look at the church. Casper, the the friendly atheist, is willing to ask questions and dialogue. May we all have a healthy dose of doubt that leads us closer to God.

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