Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sometimes we just go upstairs

Well, it's been a while sense I blogged last. I guess I haven't had much to say lately.

Today I took my friend Keith, and met my fiends Steve and Chrissy at the Bikes Not Bombs Green Roots festival. IT was a small but cool event what had a lot of sustainable companies and booths, as well guessed it bikes.

My friends Steve and Chrissy live in Texas for a while and continues to be amazed when they see things like this. I guess after living in Boston for 10 years you get use to it. But there are many people and organizations in the Boston that are socially conscious, more so than most places in the US.

There were a few cool bikes there too. I saw a tandum bike, a recumbent bike and even several bikes used for hauling things. (Check out the new Amsterdam Project.)

The hightlight in my mind was watching a guy build a composting toilet. He brought the one that he uses in his house, in Boston.?! Yes he brought his own toilet. One observer asked "What do you do if you have ....... intestinal problems?" to which he replied "Sometimes we just go upstairs"

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