Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Good Debt?

There was an interesting article in the Boston Globe today about how people are starting to reconsider college debt. (Click) With the rising cost of College and the recent credit problems in the US this is putting many middle income families in a difficult situation.

I was glad to see this article and I hope that this conversation continues for a couple of reasons. First, I think people need to rethink there lives and what they really want. There is joke in Boston that when someone doesn't know what they want to do next in there life they just go to Grad school. Is that extra degree really going to make you happy? One thing is for sure it will give you a lot more debt.

Secondly, I am a huge fan of alternative career paths. I am on one myself. Even thought I do not have a bachelors degree I am on my way to becoming a registered Architect. It has take 10 years but I'll finish, and with only about $3,000.00 debt.

Lastly I'm not sure of the figures but I know of many people who are not working in the field that they studied in in College. (come to think of it a lot of them are English majors......) In today's economy people tend to move around from job to job many times in different fields.

Don't get me wrong I value education but not collecting diplomas.

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