Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some Things Never Change

If I had it all to do over again, I may have studied history. I am fascinated with the fact that some things never change and that history has a way of repeating it's self.

To that end I am currently reading "A Peoples History of the United States 1942 to Present" by Howard Zinn. I read this passage yesterday.

Henry Adams quote: "We are here plunged into politics funnier than words can express. Very great issues are involved.....But the amusing thing is that no one talks about real interests. By common consent they agree to let these alone. We are afraid to discuss them. Instead of this the press is engaged in the most amusing dispute whether Mr. Cleveland had an illegitimate child and did or did not live with more than one mistress."

The Mr Cleveland being referring to Grover Cleveland the two term President of the US in the late 1800's

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