Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Alchemist – Book Review

Having just finished another of my Architectural exams, I decided to take the week off from studying. In it’s place I read the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

The Alchemist takes you on a journey with a young boy who is out to realize his Personal Legend. He travels from his homeland in Spain to see the pyramids of Egypt and back, along the way learning lessons at each stop, eventually fulfilling his Personal Legend and finding love along the way.

The beauty of The Alchemist is in it metaphors and imagery. In the beginning of the story Coelho used the metaphor of sheep to paint a picture of people who have not taken the risk to realize their Personal Legend. Instead they are content to find food and water instead of the deepest desires of their heart.

The story also relies heavily on Christianity. It is woven into the story at every turn, from the hobo King of Salem Melchizedek to the story of the Centurion in Mathew 8. Coelho recognized the pursuit of God is a Personal Legend that we all can participate in.


Anonymous said...

I'm a big Paulo Coelho's fan and I don't know if you heard about his blog
I've started as a fan and now I'm collaborating with him and thought that you would like to enter his universe.
Check the blog.
if you want, or subscribe to his newsletter
You'll see a community of warriors of light sharing ideas, dreams and most importantly following their personal legend.


A Warrior is always vigilant.
(Manual of the Warrior of Light)

Have a nice day!


Jonathan said...

Hey Brian

Good to find you on the blogosphere too! This book looks intriguing - I've just been looking for some fulfilling and not-too-dense reading for my free time (ha!), and I think I might check this one out. Thanks for the recommendation - I've got your blog plugged into my feed reader, so I'll see you around!
