Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little green phone

My friend told me about a new smart phone by Palm called the Centro. Its basically a cheaper alternative to the Treo. This sounds great to me. I have been wanting a smart phone for some time but I really didn't want to shell out $250.00 or more for something that I could very easily loose. (I say that but I haven't ever lost at cell phone)

On the other hand, I have a perfectly fine one year old Motorola Pebble. Its small and a great lime green color. I can sync it with my computer and it works for me. I like this phone, in fact I loved it up until two days ago.

So I have been seriously thinking about upgrading my perfectly good phone for something else then I get an e-mail from a friend with this.

The Story of Stuff.

Oh well I guess I can go a little while longer with my little green phone.

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