"I'm not called to explain every minute facet of Scripture or to expound on deep theological doctrines or disputes that don't touch where people live, My gift is to encourage, to challenge, and to inspire." from his book Become a Better You.
Lehmann went on to critique Osteen, and not in a friendly way. For the most part I agree with what Lehmann says, I have a similar outlook on modern evangelical mega churches. But the Osteen quote got me thinking.
Many of our churches spend a lot of time, i.e. every Sunday morning, preaching theology. Theology is good and an important facet of following Jesus, but to me theology is best presented as a dialog not a one way conversation. In many ways preaching theology doesn't, as Osteen says, "touch where people live." Wouldn't our Sunday morning be better spend being encouraging, challenging and inspiring each other rather than having one way conversations about minute details of theology?
I'm not sure exactly what that would look like for me. I don't think I would use the standard Sunday morning Church format, but I think I would enjoy going to a gathering like that, non-Christians might too.
Well said. I agree that rather then debating minute points of scripture we as believers should be finding common ground to encourage and spur one another on. But toward what?
I would say we should be strongly encouraging and reminding one another that we should be living out Christ-like lives by loving God and loving others in radical ways.
Amen Brother! I like the way you think.
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