Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cabin Schematic Design

I mentioned a while back that I'm planning on building a cabin in PA next summer.
I have been going back and forth on what I want for some time now, not being able to decide what I really want. Thinking of grand designs and then telling myself that I can't afford that or build it. Then getting mad at myself for settling for to little.

Well for some reason today I finally got a bit of inspiration. I was walking around downtown and checked into the book store to browse a little. My muse was the architecture book section. Here's where I currently stand:

-Passive solar design
-River rock wall foundations, one wall extending up to become a thermal wall
-Exposed tree columns
-One Room Cabin, This is what I have the most trouble with part of me wants something big and part of me wants something small.

Here are some pictures to give you a sense of what I am thinking.

1 comment:

e. donovan said...

Looks great! Best wishes with the design and construction process.