Cover via Amazon
I recently finished reading the book iWoz; How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It. This is the autobiography of Steve Woznaik. I found this book to be a delight, not only because it is an easy read, but because it also feeds my fascination Apple computers.
In reading this book I was fascinated with how passionate Woz is. Wither it is engineering, education or parenting, he throws all he has at the task at hand. You can almost feel his grittiness as you read the storeys from his youth. I wish I had half of his enthusiasm.
One of my favorite bible passages is about the sheep and the goats. In it Jesus makes the point that we may be surprised at who gets into heaven. I wouldn't be surprised if Woz is up there. Although respecting Jesus, he is not a "Christian". But this does not stop him from giving generously in many circumstances; selling apple stock to employees who didn't get any before the IPO, putting on a rock concert even though he lost 12 million dollars, teaching computer classes at his kids school. He even has a street names after him in San Jose because of all his philanthropy.
My only critique is that in his zeal for engineering he often descried, in some detail, the engineering projects he worked on. This sometimes got tedious, especially for someone without an engineering background, but those parts are easy enough to pass over.
Ps...then looking at pictures of Woz, especially during the 80's & 90's he reminds me of my father. The could easily be mistaken for brothers.