Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The First Tree

Tonight 11 neighbors came together to plant our first tree of the season. It took a little longer than we had planned, we ran into some rocks.

We also finalized the plan for a small butterfly garden in another part of the park. In doing this we ran into a little, shall we say "disagreement", but we worked through it and came away with a nice design.

This reminds me of a passage that I read recently, "Reconciliation is more important and closer to God than even the temple sacrifices" It encourages me to think that a group of neighbors working through an issue, is more important to God than the religious things that I might do to make me feel better about myself. This is the heart of God.

Perhaps after conquering tree planting we can tackle racial reconciliation.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Finally Something Good From a Fast Food Restaurant

In case if you haven't gotten carried away with all the Simpson's hype, I want to reassure you that it's not too late! Burger King has a promotional website where you can Simpsonize yourself . (Just to warn you the website is a little finicky.)

I got a chance to see the movie last night. Over all a good flick with lots of laughs. They took advantage of being out from under the FCC's prying eyes to add in a few things that they couldn't get away with on TV. (I won't spoil them for you.)

My only complaint is that the B story's were topics that have already been explored in the TV series, but what can you expect from a show that has been the air on for 2o years.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Rent Control in Boston

I have posted a couple of times about the housing market in Boston. Here and here. Recently the Boston City Council has been debating a proposal that would change the tenant/landlord relationship. This new proposal would give tenets the right to collectively discuss the rent, and other housing needs, with their landlords. These discussions would happen every 6 months in front of the Rental Housing Resource Center. I said discuss, not bargain, because unfortunately nothing that would be discussed would be binding.

Another odd item in the proposal is that it would only kick into effect when Landlords own 20 units or more. (10 units or Landlords that live outside of Boston.) In my nine years of living in Boston I have lived in seven apartments, only two of them were for for profit Landlord company's. The other five were in smaller Owner occupied situations, so the new proposal would have not benefited me.

In researching rent control, I have found that there are passionate and vocal people on both sides. I guess that should not come as much of a surprise, as this issue attacks the principals of the "Free Market". I guess it's fitting that one hope for more affordable housing in Boston is for the housing market to keep falling.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Colbert Video.

Here is a great video from the Colbert Report on the poor and welfare.

I promise that I will stop the videos and write something meaningful in my next post.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Childhood Cartoon

Voltron - Defender of the Universe

It's great to relive your childhood. You can find more episodes at imeem.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Boston to Hull

Boston Skyline
Originally uploaded by Fousty

This morning I went on a bike ride from Boston to Hull, 40 miles round trip. There is a nice view of Boston, and Gorges Island is not to far away either.

After getting out of Boston the majority of the trip was mostly winding rodes through small New England sea side towns. It was early enough that the traffic was light and the beaches that I passed by were clear of people.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Power of Trees

Sense moving to my neighborhood two years ago, I have been trying to love my neighbors in several ways. One way has been to organize tree plantings in the park at the end of my street. Gathering neighbors, to labor together and to make our park safer and beautiful.

This afternoon we had a kick off meeting in the park. We brought out 5 pizzas, soda and chips. Twenty-eight neighbors laughed and talked together about trees, the park, and our experience of life in the neighborhood. If the rest of the summer go's as well, we'll not only plant a couple of trees but make a few new friends as well.

On one hand I am excited, for a neighborhood in the process of gentrification, events like this provide a great way to bridge relational and racial gaps. On the other hand, as a follower of Jesus, where do I find Jesus in this? I know he is in me and in my good intentions for my neighborhood, but how do I get to the place where I can see him working in peoples lives?

I not only want to plant trees and make friends, but want to bring Gods transforming kingdom into my neighborhood.

**Note: Picture from last years tree planting.**

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What's wrong with this picture.

This picture was taken at the park near my house in Dorchester.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


This weekend I traveled to PA for the funeral of my Grandmother. She had been struggling with congestive heart failure for a year before finally giving way while sleeping. She was 88. I always knew that my Grandmother had a large family, but I didn't know how large until I read the obituary.

7 children
20 grandchildren
25 great-grandchildren
5 great-great grandchildren

Monday, July 2, 2007

A place of my own

So last year I got the crazy idea to build a cabin on a piece of land that my family owns in Pa. The farm, as we call it, has been in my family for about 6 generations. While I was down there this past weekend with my sister, I scouted out a nice location near the creek with a view.

I realized this weekend that what I don't really desire a building as much as a moment. While I was there I was imagining myself sitting on the deck overlooking the creek, listening to the water pass buy, and the wind blowing through the trees.