Thursday, May 31, 2007


The Boston Globe has a great map of all the murders, stabbings and Hit & Runs in Boston this year. I know there have been a lot more than the ones they show but it's neat to see Boston's youth violence getting some attention.

The Potters Theme Park

Ironically the country where the Christians fought Harry Potters influence on their unsuspecting children can now take them to his theme park.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Automotive X-Prize

From the same man that advanced commercial space flight, we are now getting an X-Prize for alternative energy cars. Finally someone is looking beyond the automotive industry to fix our car efficiency issues.

Thank you Peter Diamandis, thank you.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Helpful Hints #32

I know that may times in my life I have asked myself, "Brian, what do you think the maximum moment for that needle beam is?" Well here is all you need to know. Just multiply the lengths of the unbraced sides by the total force on the beam, then divide it by the total length of the beam.

Just one practical tip brought to you from the Architectural Registration Exam, General Structures test.

Have fun kids.

Monday, May 21, 2007


What is holiness? If I'm to believe my religious upbringing, it has a lot to do with sex. Specifically not having it outside of marriage. But is that where holiness ends? The other day I saw an billboard about Fidelity Investments involvement in Darfur. It made me ask the question, "Could choosing not to have my money go to support a genocide be as act of holiness too?" If so are there other ways I can practice holiness too?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Religious Shock Jock

As you likely know now the Rev. Jerry Falwell died yesterday. In typical fashion their are many people talking about his legacy. What will he be remembered by. His friends and partners will talk about his personal side how he was a good and godly man, an hero to many. His critics will say he preached intolerance in the name of God.

It dawned on me that he was really just a religious shock jock. Over the years he has made controversial statements just to apologize for them later. This always got him back into the public media and I'm sure got a few people to open up their wallets. Really what is the difference between Falwell and Don Imus? Or Pat Robertson and Opie & Anthony. They all use controversual language to get message acrross.

Please do not point out the obvious differences, we all know them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Debate: God is not great?

I found a great debate between Rev. Al Sharpton and Christopher Hitchens on God.
Sharpton took an interesting stance that I didn't expect from him. He was able to seprate the christian religion from God in his arguments which basically left Hirchens with little to stand on. Being a black Baptist minister I didn't expect Shaprton to take a stance that would allow such an open stance on the interpretation of God. It was refreshing

Hitchen on the other hand came off as being quite arrogant and prideful in his arguments, Sharpton has his moments too. Basically his arguments revolved around how bad Gods followers are, not actually about God himself.

Check out the video.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Simpsons reflections on Church

Catholics vs Protestant heaven

Black God Rules