Saturday, March 31, 2007

Executive privilege

It seams as though President Bush is claiming Executive Privilege a lot lately. In case if you didn't know what that is, John Hodgman explains it all in this video.

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Red Coats are Coming!!!!!

The Red Coats are Coming, but this time its not the British but the Guardian Angels. Their bringing there civilian street justice to Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan, and JP.
The Mayor and the Police Commissioner aren't exactly thrilled about it either.

I have my concerns, but there are two big problems with Boston crime that they might actually be able to help with. First, the Boston police force is understaffed. With the influx of GA patrolling the streets we'll finally get a presence that could deter crime. Secondly, there is a serious distrust of the police in Boston's minority neighborhoods. If the GA are able to engage the community and gain there trust they might be able to help.

On the other hand I don't exactly feel more comforted knowing that they are there. They have been criticized by some for being a vigilante force. The last thing we need on the streets of Boston is more violence to stop violence.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Boston Police

If you have been riding the T lately I'm sure you have seen the recruiting advertisements for the Boston Police. Boston is in desperate need for more police on the streets, there have been 13 murders this year compared to 7 at this time last year. Unfortunately the $100,000 ad campaign is isn't helping very much.

On a good note they are seeing more minority's showing interest in the police force. Given the tense relationship between the community's of Dorchester and Roxbury with the police, more minority police couldn't hurt.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Blogging the Bible

David Plotz from the slate has been blogging the bible for some time now. He has worked his way up to Proverbs now. You should check it out.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Al Gore Revisited

Al Gore testified before congress about global warming today. In a poor act of showmanship a congressmen tried to trap Gore by asking him to sign a commitment to reduce his energy consumption to that of an average American by one year. Clever but Gore had a good response, if you can pick it up. He purchases green energy from his electric company. The congressmen basically ignores him and calls it a victory for himself.

I have criticised Gore for his energy consumption in previous posts. I do applaud him for purchasing green energy from his electric company, but I still hold to the critique that he his lifestyle does not reflect his commitment to global warming. Just because you can afford to purchase green electricity and carbon offsets does not justify more energy consumption.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baghdad Violence Map

The BBC has but together a great map outlining the violence in Baghdad. The sobering reality that 35,557 innocent people have dies in the past 4 years, 12 times the amount of people killed on September 11th.

Why have we done this?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Liberation Theology

In an article in the globe today, discussed "Religious Fundamentalism" There was an interesting paragraph.

The phenomenon of "fundamentalism"
has made an extraordinary impact on the world. But what is it? The scholar Gabriel A. Almond defines fundamentalism as "religious militance by which self-styled 'true-believers' attempt to arrest the erosion of religious identity, fortify the borders of the religious community, and create viable alternatives to secular institutions and behaviors." Some fundamentalists pursue openly political agendas (Northern Ireland, Israel, Iran). Some are apolitical (Latin American Pentecostalism). In war zones (Sudan, Afghanistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka), fundamentalism is energizing conflict. Most notably, the warring groups in Iraq have jelled around fundamentalist religion.

With the negative connotation that surrounds religious fundamentalism these days I found it interesting that Latin America, the only place where fundamentalism has taken an apolitical stance, is the only place where religious fundamentalism is doing more good than harm. From what I understand of Latin American religion and Liberation Theology, they aren't passive about there politics. They are infact quite vocal about where they stand. They have been able to position themselves as a prophetic voice against the government, calling them into account when they do wrong. They also position themselves with the poor, supporting them, and loving them, and speaking on there behalf. North America could learn from there example.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Two Worlds

We live in two worlds. Most of the time we never get to see the other world.

This week I went to a funeral for the mother of a boy I befriended earlier this year. He is one of four brothers, who's mother struggled with addiction all her life. When he was born his neighbor took him home from the hospital and adopted him, along with his brothers, because his mother couldn't take care of him. We rarely ever come in contact with people who's lives look like this.

Also the day before the funeral a kid, no older than 16, was shot three times in broad daylight on the street. He was a friend of the boy I befriended. I have met him before but only in passing. He how has two bullets lodged in the back of his neck that the doctors can't take out, and will need cosmetic surgery on his nose.

I understand why we never see this world, it's hard. We protect ourselves from it and who can blame us. Followers of Jesus should be the first crossing over into this world. Showing the rest of the world that as we join the poor in there struggle, learn from them, and love them, we will see Jesus.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm not really a fan of MadTV but this skit is great.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Great Morl Issues of Our Time?

First Ted Haggard now Richard Cizik. The National Association of Evangelicals just can't keep its self under control. Cizik, a policy director for the National Association of Evangelicals, has become outspoken on the issue of Global Warming. This has caused a great outcry from other Evangelical leaders, mainly Dr. James Dobson who claims that global warming is a leftest issues being used to distract Christians from the "great moral issues of our time". Read "Gay Marriage".

I'm encouraged that this debate is getting some press. The Evangelical church needs to have more voices on issues other that gay marriage.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Carbon confusion

I have never understood carbon offsets or credits. On one hand I think it's great, we can make up for our use of fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy at the same time. On the other hand it can be used to justify our abuse and hunger for more fossil fuels.

Now it turns out that at least one company is abusing the system.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Jesus Madlib

Following Jesus is sort of like a madlib. There is a story out there, the story of what God is doing in the world, and if we're honest we really don't know much about it. On the other hand we have these things that we hold tightly onto convinced that they fit into the story; theology's, doctrine's, worship styles, lifestyles, or the latest how to get people into your church program. I'm bet from God's perspective they fit into his story like a madlib.

So I hope this isn't sacrilegious but I made a Jesus madlib. Please post you stories.

(1)Your Name
(2)Fellow Blogger
(3)Childhood friend
(9)A President
(13)Famous quote

Mark 9:2-8
After six days Jesus took (1)Your Name, (2)Fellow Blogger and (3)Childhood Friend with him and led them (4)Place, where they were all alone. There he was (5)Verb before them. His clothes became (6)Adjective (7)Color, (7)Color than anyone in the world could (8)Verb them. And there appeared before them (9) A President and (10)A Superhero, who were talking with Jesus. (1)Your Name said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three (11)Noun—one for you, one for (10)A Superhero and one for (9)A President." (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.) Then a (12) Noun appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: "(13)Famous quote" Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Our new Governor, Deval Patrick seams to have regretted a lot of things so far. Cars, decor & phone calls. I hope this is a sign that politicians won't be getting away with as much, although these things are relatively minor compared to some other politicians.

Monday, March 5, 2007

It's not just about pretty buildings

I'm in the middle of studying for one of my Architectural Registration Exams.
Construction Documents and Services. What a snoozer. You have to be part Lawyer to be an Architect.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Modern Day Subway Performers

I had an revelation this morning as I was on my way to work. Like most mornings there was a subway musician at the Downtown Crossing T stop. He was kind of awkward, had a strange message, positive and slightly religious, stoped his songs or story's when the noise of the train drowned him out. After a while I realized that bloggers are the modern day subway performers. We have strange messages that we are trying to get to others over the rest of the noise on the Internet, and lets face it most of us are slightly awkward too.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Schools in India

I'm not sure what to think about this? I read on the BBC this morning the dress that Audrey Hepburn wore in Breakfast at Tiffany's was auctioned for $916,461. The money from that sale is funding 15 schools in India. 15 schools!!!! On one hand I think it's great that the money is being used for such a great cause, but a dress that costs $916,461!!!!! Congratulation to the man who offered to sell the dress and give the money to the schools.

By the way I have a bridge that I'd like to sell, I'll even give the money to a good cause. Any takers?