Recently President Elect Obama announced that mega church pastor Rick Warren will be giving the blessing at his inauguration in January. This has made Warren the latest religious victim of the media.
Rick Warren is the pastor of Saddle Back Church in California as well as the author of the bestselling "The Purpose Driven Church" and "The Purpose Driven Life" Books. He is currently being attacked by the GLBT supporters of Obama because of his views on homosexuality. (Warren was a supporter of California's recent Prop 8)
For someone to rise to the position that Warren has, they have to abide to certain non-negotiable Christian theologies. Many of which are restrictive and exclude people from the church and God. My question is, "is this the example that Jesus sets in the Gospels?"
Jesus interactions with the Demonic and the Sumerian woman show that he is willing to step across the cultural and religious boundaries set by the religious leaders of his day. In these interactions Jesus priority was to bring the Kingdom of God to those who needed it, and not allow "theology" to get in the way.
It seams to me that in order to be "successful" in christian culture we end up having to restrict our ability to accept and love others, thus restricting God, instead of being open to others and allowing everyone the ability to enter into Gods Kingdom.
Thoughts, comments, and chastising remarks are welcome